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Athlete in Family Needs a Mouthguard to Avoid Dental Injury

LiketheProstheAthleteinYourFamilyNeedsaMouthguardtoPreventDentalInjuries Mouthguard…Super Bowl LIV is set for February 2 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida, where the top two teams in pro football will vie for the coveted Vince Lombardi Trophy. Unfortunately, many of their fellow competitors (and some of their teammates) will still be nursing injuries from a long, grueling season. Injuries are a fact of life for one of America’s most popular sports, with every part of a player’s body vulnerable to trauma—including their teeth, gums and jaws. But although they do occur, dental and oral injuries aren’t at the top of the list of most frequent injuries in the NFL. That’s because of the athletic guard, an oral appliance small enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Made of pliable plastic, this helps absorb damaging forces to the face and mouth generated by the inevitable hits that players take in the course of a game. According to the American Dental Association, a player is 60% more likely to incur a dental injury when not wearing a mouthguard. And they’re not just for the pros: They are regarded as an essential part of protective gear for all participants of organized football and other contact sports. They’re the best defense against injuries like fractured (cracked) teeth or tooth roots, knocked out teeth or teeth driven back into the jaw (tooth intrusion). Mouthguards are readily available in sporting goods stores, but the best type of guards are those that are custom-made by dentists for the individual player, created from impressions taken of that individual’s teeth. Because customized guards are more accurate, they tend to be less bulky than “boil and bite” mouthguards, and thus provide a better and more comfortable fit. And because of this superior fit, they offer better protection than their retail counterparts. Because they’re custom-made, they tend to be more expensive than other types of guards. And younger athletes whose jaws are still developing may need a new piece every few years to reflect changes in jaw growth. Even so, the expense of a custom mouthguard pales in comparison with the potential expense of treating an impact injury to the teeth or mouth. If you or a member of your family are avid participants in football, basketball, hockey or similar high-contact sports, a mouthguard is a must. And just like the pros, a custom mouthguard is the best way to go to for comfort and ultimate protection. If you would like more information about oral sports protection, please contact us or schedule an appointment. To learn more, read the Dear Doctor magazine articles “Athletic Mouthguards” and “An Introduction to Sports Injuries & Dentistry.”

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